Monday, August 30, 2010


yay! my first day of my sophomore year is complete! it was actually really awesome and i wasn't nervous at all which is awesome. i went to art appreciation this morning at 8:30!! aaaand i got everything having to do with my schedule all straitened out. i do still need to buy a parking pass and books, but i'll deal with that tomorrow. aaand tomorrow my first class isn't until ONE PM. YESYESYESYES. hahhaha. i'm excited. anyways, after marching band i went over to burger king and filled out paper work. let me tell you: i am finding another job. hahaha, but for now, i guess i'm just glad to have one... right? i'm not sure it'll be enough to support myself though... so yeahhh.

now i'm just sitting here. waiting for it to be tomorrow. haha.

oh, and i would like to talk about money. i pretty much have like, $20 in cash, $13 in my checking account and $15 in target gift cards. my grandparents set up this online chase thing where they can send me money online instead of in the mail. i just got it working, but told them that i'm going to get a new bank account once i get paid for the first time and then i got a call from my grandpa telling me to send him all of my info so he can start one for me... like, it's super nice, but it makes me feel weird! i don't know if that's natural... but i think it might be. i emailed my grandma saying i can open up my own account once i get paid... i don't know... it just feels weird to me and like i would forever be in debt to them, which i don't want to be.

anyways. that's my money situation. i bought $4.50 worth of food at target today. i'm almost out of bread so i'll have to get that soon. but i do have a TON of ramen.

AND ONLY TWO DAYS UNTIL I MOVE IN! it's actually more like one and a half now... but who's counting really?! hahaha. brandon and i already planned for wednesday after practice to move in. tomorrow all i have to do is call the utilities places and have it put in one of our names.


that's what i'm doing :)

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