Thursday, July 8, 2010

day three.

Journal Prompt Number Three: It's always nice to share with someone why you love them. Today, I want you to draw a picture, doodle, sketch, of a person who you love, or admire. Then, write that person a letter telling them why they mean so much to you!

after a full day of drawing yesterday i was almost hesitant to start this one. i wasn't sure if i wanted to spend all day drawing because i actually have a lot to do today! i also had a hard time choosing who i wanted to write a letter to because i have so many people in my life that i love. yesterday i spent a lot of time with my brother, which hasn't happened in a long time. he got his permit and texted me to know when he was leaving, standing in line, next in line, and when he finally passed. later that night we (me, austin, steven, devon and andrew) piled into my car for austin's first driving lesson. he actually did a really good job and i absolutely had a blast teaching him :) it's kind of hard to see, but the last line says, "ps. drive safe!"

this one isn't as colorful and intricate as my other ones were, but i love it all the same. like i said, i have a lot to do today! tomorrow i'm leaving for california with andrew and his family to go to disneyland and a guamanian wedding. i'm really excited to get out of chandler and have a fun, worry free week with andrew :] not only do i have to pack, but i have to give selling my flute another shot. I NEED MO MONEY. haha. anyyywayyyssss...

oh. and i'm kind of worried i won't keep up with the challenge during my little vacation :/ but, i will try my hardest and if i don't keep up i will catch up! haha.


anyways. BYE!

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