Thursday, September 16, 2010


1. move to flagstaff.
2. make a world line on cymbals.
3. dye my hair.
4. change my style.
5. eat healthy on a regular basis.
6. get another tattoo.
7. get a bike. ride it everyday.
8. make drum corps.
9. choose a career.
10. get another piercing.
11. send a secret to postsecret.
12. take a road trip to california.
13. make new friends.

14. go on a cruise.
15. get a job.
16. work as a photographer.
17. read at least 10 books.
18. get a gym membership.
19. go to the grand canyon for the first time.
20. play cymbals for nau's marching band.

these are all of the things on my 20 before 20 list that i've accomplished :D i haven't really been thinking extensively about my list, but it has been in the back of my head lately. when i made this list, i think i was just making it to make it. i didn't think about it for very long and pretty much immediately after posting it had to edit and revise. well, today i've been thinking a lot about it (because i don't want to do homework...) and i again want to change a few things... haha. at first i didn't want to because i thought i would be breaking some rule or something, but it's my list, so i can do with it what i want! so, here is my edited list:

1. move to flagstaff.
2. make a world line on cymbals.
3. dye my hair.
4. try geocaching.
5. eat healthier.
6. get another tattoo.
7. get a bike.
8. make drum corps.
9. choose a career.
10. get another piercing.
11. send a secret to postsecret.
12. take a road trip to california.
13. make new friends.
14. get at least all b's in my classes at ccc.
15. get a job.
16. work as a photographer.
17. read at least 10 books.
18. take a walk with my camera at least once a week.
19. think positively for all things negative that come into my life.
20. play cymbals for nau's marching band.

so yeah. there you (and i) have it! my new goals. i have so far accomplished 7/20 things and i'm loving my life so far.

ps. i have a pretty substantial post coming soon, and it's been taking me FOREVER. i haaaate the stupid picture uploader thing on here. most of the time it doesn't work for me! GRR. it makes me mad. haha, but... it give me more time to think about what i really want to say in the post. haha POSITIVE!

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